Become a Scimitars Supporters member for the 2024/25 Season!
For more information on our Scimitars Supporters benefits and levels please scroll down or email Bree on with any questions regarding registration or payment details.
Registration can be done on PlayHQ linked below or directly into the NSCC Bank Account.
North Shore Cricket Club Bank Account: 12-3015-0538499-00
Please use your name as reference when making deposits.
Baker Accounting Limited
The KK Family
The Sickling Family
Joseph Silk
Bill Spring
The Clough Whanau
Catherine Etheredge & Shayne Waldron
Priced at $5000
Benefits include:
4 x NSCC Supporters Caps
Social membership
Regular communications – “From The Boundary”
Twenty entries in draw to win $500 bar tab at Christmas function
Name on website and digital honours board
A $200 bar tab (*to be used on one day, elected by you, during the cricket season when the bar is open)
Priced at $1000
Benefits include:
2 x NSCC Supporters Caps
Social membership
Regular communications – “From The Boundary”
Ten entries in draw to win $500 bar tab at Christmas function
Name on website and digital honours board
Priced at $500
Benefits include:
NSCC Supporters Cap
Social membership
Regular communications – “From The Boundary”
Five entries in draw to win $500 bar tab at Xmas function
Name on website and digital honours board
Priced at $250
Benefits include:
Social membership
Regular communications – From “The Boundary”
Two entries in draw to win $500 bar tab at Xmas function
Name on website and digital honours board
NSCC Supporters Cap
Priced at $100
Benefits include:
Social membership
Regular communications – “From The Boundary”
One entry in draw to win $500 bar tab
Name on website and digital honours board
NSCC Supporters Cap